1934 & Now Connections of the Minneapolis Truckers’ Strike of 1934 Organized by Keith Christensen in conjunction with members of the Remember 1934 Collective The
1934 & Now Connections of the Minneapolis Truckers’ Strike of 1934 Organized by Keith Christensen in conjunction with members of the Remember 1934 Collective The
Eulogy Dave Riehle, History Maker Our local labor movement and historical community lost a vital comrade when Dave Riehle passed away on January 21. Since
These strikes changed the course of history and the lives of tens of thousands of working people. They transformed Minneapolis from one of the country’s
70 years ago a group of killers left that building behind you—the one with the tower and the clock. That was then and is now
In 1934 my father, John Hanson, served on the strike committee known as the “Committee of One Hundred.” He drove a coal truck and participated
Peter Rachleff Eulogy for Dave Riehle
John Hanson Reflections of a Striker’s Son
David Riehle Honoring the Fallen
Peter Rachleff On Strike!